March 31, 2011

Getting Started

The first thing I think about when I view fabrics is, "Can I wear that?"  If I answer yes, then on to the check out line.  My spare bedroom at home has become the "fabric room" and appears to be unorganized and chaotic (according to my husband).  It is not unorganized and chaotic in the least bit!  Fabric is art, and how can you control art?  Here are some glimpses into my art/fabric room...

March 29, 2011

Why Fabric?

I'm in LOVE!

It all started about a year ago, when a girl friend said she began taking sewing lessons.  To practice, she made me a few dresses and introduced me to the wonderful world of fabric.  I couldn't stop asking her to make me things with all the designs I discovered.  She became overwhelmed, therefore, I had to learn how to sew.  I purchased my first machine, began hoarding fabric, and developed love for things hand made.  Right now I am making skirts and pillows, mostly from the fabric pictured below.  Amy Butler, Paula Prass, and Patricia Bravo are amazingly talented fabric designers whom I consider to be "celebrities." 
    Patricia Bravo's Collection
    Paula Prass' Collection